Malaysian Spring

This picture really struck a chord of fear within me. It would be an understatement to say that I am very fearful of this happening to my business. Perhaps the correct phrase to use is that I am ‘shit scared’ as to the possible effect that protests and demonstrations could have on my business. Thank god that until today I have been able to slowly grow my small business into what it is today with the help of a stablepolitical environment with no street demonstrations and protests akin to the ones in the Arab world.
What triggered me to write this article was when I stumbled upon a letter written by PKR, which was published by various blogs two weeks ago. The letter called for Opposition party members to cause maximum chaos, protests and demonstrations after the elections so as to raise doubts as to the validity of the election process. These were the exact steps that were taken in the beginning by the Opposition in Egypt which led to the outbreak of the Arab spring protest in Egypt which we all know has created instability and chaos until today.
After the February 2011 general election in which the
Government led by Hosni Mubarak retained control of the government, the Muslim Brotherhood (Egypt’s Opposition Party) called for its members to assemble at Tahrir Square (similar to our Dataran Merdeka) and create chaos by protesting against the election results in claiming that it has been rigged. The result speaks for itself – Egypt has been in a period of economic instability for the past two years with daily protests/demonstrations severely crippling the economy and especially businesses.

This blueprint of creating chaos through street demonstration and protests seems to have been copied by PKR as evident in its letter whereby it is intent on doing the same in our country. The content of the letter clearly show that the party intends to create chaos like the uprising in the Middle East to topple the elected Government.
I only have one question – What the bloody hell is wrong with these people? Are they so greedy for political power that they would sacrifice the peace/harmony of the country and instead put our country in turmoil like Egypt? The ones who will suffer are businesses like myself. It is just plain bloody selfish. Political parties that are willing to go that far to obtain power at the expense of its citizens don’t deserve my vote.
I dread the possibility of Malaysia going through an ‘Arab Spring’ whereby we the people will suffer and especially businesses. All for the dream of PKR to see one man – Anwar Ibrahim – become Prime Minister. What a load of bullshit!
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